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Made in Korea is an exhibition and residency programme for Korean ceramists in 2017, hosted by The Ceramic House. The exhibition then tours to Sladmore Contemporary. I received an AIDF grant from the Arts Council to travel to Korea to research the project and a new body of my own work that will provide the context for Made in Korea.
Made in Korea has been in the planning since 2014, when I met Kyung Won Baek, a young Korean ceramist, on a residency at Guldagergaard International Research Centre in Denmark. Based in South Korea, she has been an invaluable contact, introducing me to artists, curators, academics and ceramic residency centres and helping me to plan everything. Myung Nam An, a Korean artist based in London, exhibited at The Ceramic House in 2012 and introduced me to Sladmore Contemporary in London, who is hosting Made in Korea in July 2017.
Sixeen Korean ceramic artists have been selected to participate in the exhibition, who are based in South Korea, France, Germany, USA and UK. Two or three artists will be invited to participate in a residency hosted by The Ceramic House during May/June. They will be paired up with sound artists, to create new work for a further exhibition in the autumn (venue to be confirmed).
I have just spent three weeks in Korea, which was inspiring, very busy, with meetings every single day with artists, curators, museum and gallery directors, researching Korean ceramics and gathering inspiration for my piece.
I will be continuing the blog until the end of the project in 2017. Follow my progress here: