Perfection of Understanding is an Artist Book that will conclude the Interbeing project.
Please join us for the book launch at:
Contemporary Ceramics Centre
63 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BF
6-8p, 26th January 2022
Andrew Livingstone is one of the artists commissioned to create work for the book. Below: Clay Drawings 2021: Intangible, Porcelain and airlock bag.
Valeria Nascimento and David Cushway have also created new work for the book.
The book contains a CD featuring the Chinese sound artists involved in Interbeing, namely Echo Ho, Sin:Ned, Sun Wei, Sheng Jie and Hui Ye.
And finally the book will contain a photo essay by Kay Aplin which takes Kay’s Ceramic wallpaper: Peonies, created for Interbeing, on a virtual tour of China. Artists involved in the project have submitted photographs of walls around China and the peonies have been applied to the walls photographically.
Below: Chaotian Palace, Xinjiekou, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu selected by Lu Bin.